The 113 year old Camel called NoNo is trekking his way back home.
He came in with a silk neckerchief and a very sticky bandage underneath which was covering a large hole and he had a few other holes on him.
After removing the bandage, I could see that his head was jointed and that these had badly worn through his fabric. I carefully invisibly stitched this hole back together, along with mending his other holes.
A large hole in his side was darned, to stay in keeping with methods used in his time period, using a single strand of embroidery silk that closely matched his greenish brown mohair.
He had an eye missing and his owner opted to go for a new black glass pair of the same size rather than replace just one. After his injuries were mended, he had a gentle clean in our Spa to freshen him up and remove over 100 years of ingrained dust before he left Davey Bears.
NoNos owner was delighted to have him back ready to trek for a few more years.